Well, that's what today's blog is all about, 'cause I'm way behind in my posts. But I do have some good excuses. And, I'm summing up my week in a nutshell with one-liners (or maybe two) and photos. So here we go.
One sick child, backyard water slide for the other two, roses galore and 2 birdhouses made.
The amazing rose bush in our front bed. It was here when we moved in, and we have no idea what kind they are, but the first bloom is always incredible. |
B-man painting his bird house. |
Wee-man didn't paint a birdhouse, but he did put his cute face in some wooden frames just for grins. |
Donuts with kids, mojitos with friends, Chuck E Cheese with kids and then one sick, sick mama. My weekend blogging plans went down the toilet. Literally.
Where I spent my evening. Not by choice. A damn shame all those mojitos went to waste. I can't say the same about the Chuck E Cheese pizza. |
Mom still sick. 'Nuff said. Oh wait, some "stylist" butchered my son's hair when Dad took him for a haircut. He's not trying for monkhood, okay?
See? B-man is horrified, too. Thank God his hair grows fast. |
Hallelujah, Mom discovers her tight pants aren't so tight anymore. Thank you, stomach bug! And enough work piled on her desk that she had to stay late at the office.
I got nothin', but I was so exhausted that I went to bed early despite my best intentions to blog.
I became an aunt again! We welcomed a new baby to our family - Miss Charlotte, 9 lbs 10 oz! Reminded once again of the miracle of life and all its beauty.
Me, my sis and Miss Charlotte. She has no idea how much she's loved. Yet. |
Strolled through the local arts festival at lunch, visited my sister and Miss C again after work and tried to teach B-man how to use my digital camera.
As you can see, his centering skills are exceptional. :) |
I have a hot date. Gotta go get ready.
Happy weekend everyone!

I was noticing B-man's haircut last night....and his closeup of the monk-do cracks me up!